Oscar EMR VMware & iso image v.1.0 A build of OscarEMR for people wanting to test without having to build the project from source. Extract Audio Spectrum Envelope (MPEG-7) v.1.0 This project implements the MPEG-7 Audio Spectrum Envelope and Audio Spectrum Projection. This project requires you installing your own file. This service does so as well but also works with some corrupt instances of the files. Corrupt Office Data/Text Extract Service v.1.0 Several free web services exist for converting MS Office, Open Office files and RTF to text/data. GeeXboX ISO Generator v.1.2.2 A tool to modify the GeeXboX in a few seconds without having to build the sources. Audio/Video/Image/Text/ISO Convert v.0.98 TRANSLATIONS ARE NOW WORKING AGAIN!. Duplicate ISO v.0.4.1 Duplicate ISO aims to be an easy-to-use interface of CDRecord intended to simplify the process of burning preset ISO files to multiple CDs. Furius ISO Mount Portable v. Furius ISO Mount Portable for Linux can run with the help of the RUNZ framework.Openbsd-iso v.0.0.11 openbsd- iso is a set of _ scripts _ to download OpenBSD releases from ftp, and then create the CD/DVD iso.
JIIC: Java ISO Image Creator v.9660 JIIC is a streaming-based Java implementation of ISO 9660 for creating CD-ROM filesystem.Inno Extracts allows to extract such installers under non-windows systems without running the actual installer using. Inno Extract v.1.2 Inno Setup is a tool to create installers for Microsoft Windows applications.Image-extract v.1.0 Extracts the following disk images :.The original intent of the project is focused on providing. It may be optionally encrypted to protect the contents.
Fireball ISO Builder v.1.3 Fireball ISO Builder is a VMWare virtual appliance that builds a security-hardened LiveCD image, based on Hardened Gentoo Linux. config of an existing kernel (b)zImage either by extracting the image included in the kernel-image itself or by reconstructing it by re-compiling and analyzing the kernel-consisting parts of the image and/or. Extract 2.6 Kernel Config v.0.2 extract26config tries to extract the. ISO Master v.1.3.9 ISO Master is an open-source, graphical CD image editor that runs on Linux. ISO - DAX - CSO Converter v.1.08 ISO - DAX - CSO Converter is simple Kommander script for converting PSP UMD backups between three file formats ISO DAX and CSO. Poweriso for Linux v.1.3 PowerISO is a powerful CD / DVD / BD image file processing tool. Useful on systems where 'mount' isn't available.
Uniso v.0.1.06 uniso extracts a file hierarchy from an iso image.